smart people.
bright ideas.
powerful results.

our culture
It is more than a belief; it is putting into action what you think, what you believe, and how you behave. Without culture, teamwork and leadership, a company is simply a place to work. At Patrick, we believe culture is what holds us together and allows us to enjoy what we do and with whom we share our valued time.
We spend more waking hours at our place of work than we do anywhere else. More than at home with our families, more than with our friends. More than with ourselves. The vast majority of our time is spent in the office. In addition to satisfying the needs of clients and meeting deadlines, it should also be a place where you enjoy going in the morning and meeting people with whom you enjoy spending the day.
Culture is established through what you do, what you say; the attitudes and perspectives of our employees. Done properly, it can be dynamic and beautiful.
At Patrick, our culture is one of investment. We invest in the development and well-being of our employees by providing dynamic new challenges, both professional and social. We host a young professionals group to help our younger employees grow into the leaders of our industry. We offer continuing education so that our employees can sharpen and broaden their skills. We offer company sponsored events so our employees can develop relationships that may one day lead to a merging of minds that helps solve a challenge a client is facing.
By investing in our people, we encourage our people to invest in themselves and in Patrick - all of which benefits our clients.

young professionals group
Formed and governed by Patrick’s young professionals, the YPG's mission is to promote the professional and personal development of its members so they can utilize their skills to better serve society. The YPG also serves as a forum for members to interact with other Patrick professionals to broaden their knowledge of Patrick's diverse service offerings. The group plans and attends monthly functions, ranging from project site visits to social gatherings. They encourage young professionals to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their individual efforts within Patrick through improved communication, collaboration and cooperation. The YPG’s ultimate goal is for its members to feel they have a professional home here at Patrick, and that they have an extensive network of colleagues throughout the company they can rely on for professional and personal growth.
continuing education
Patrick is invested in the long-term success, development and growth of our employees. Patrick assists employees in furthering their education in an effort to enhance current skills, as well as improve their overall potential within the company. Tuition reimbursement is available to employees who successfully complete pre-approved job-related college or graduate level courses related to his/her profession. Patrick also offers additional benefits to those obtaining their first professional license. Patrick’s investment in individual employee development includes a deep commitment to continuing education.

Patrick presentation series
Once per month, employees from one of Patricks’ operating divisions prepare a presentation for the company at large. Our employees are encouraged to take a break from their work day and learn from Patrick’s diversified experts. Whether it is new information regarding an industry best practice, or an update on one of our unique projects, attendance at these presentations helps to build comradery within the company and increase our employees understanding internally about who we are and what we do.
For the presenters, this forum offers a unique opportunity to practice their oral presentation skills in front of a friendly audience, while sharing their professional passions with their peers. The Patrick Presentation Series helps foster collaboration, increase awareness, and share best practices throughout the company.
distinguishing traits
Patrick’s culture is best summarized by our 11 Distinguishing Traits that differentiate us from the crowd. They are the traits that represent “who we are” both as individuals and as a team. We actively seek out employees and clients with these traits and we search for opportunities to work with others that share these ideals and expectations. These 11 traits set the standard for quality and excellence that is common to all our employees and has come to be expected by our clients. Each year, employees are nominated and recognized by their peers and leaders for going above and beyond in one of the eleven traits. We encourage you to learn about each trait and to discover the 11 unique qualities that place Patrick in a league of its own.​
Find out more about our Distinguishing Traits.

professional organizations
Patrick believes that frequent and active employee participation in professional organizations will help advance the career and network connections of our professionals as well as Patrick’s stature in the industry. On an individual level, these activities foster professional development and the sharing of best practices and trends in various technical fields.
Participation includes attendance at society meetings and functions; participation in seminars, conferences, or workshops; and subscribing to and reading society literature and publications.
summer internships
Patrick has exciting summer employment opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in a wide variety of fields. In addition to gaining valuable project experience within a Patrick business group, our summer internship program allows these students access to other divisions throughout the company via position swaps and offers project site visits to maximize their understanding of our most unique projects. We also encourage team building outside the office with intern outings and group events.
These activities help improve networking skills, enhance management and leadership traits, and provide our young professionals with a sense of personal and collective achievement regarding the goals accomplished and skills improved. The program also helps Patrick evaluate future potential employees and improve our succession planning.

charitable giving
Patrick recognizes and embraces our responsibilities when it comes to corporate citizenship. Corporate donations serve as one way to generously help nonprofit organizations that are important to our employees, and impact our communities. Since 2014, more than $150,000 has been donated by Patrick to a variety of charitable organizations through corporate activities including the following:
Casual Day for a Cause program, where employees donate to designated charities in exchange for the ability to dress casually on Fridays
Annual Holiday Card program, where clients and employees are asked to vote on the distribution of donation funds among a pool of non-profit organizations
Angel Tree toy drive
Local blood drives
Various charitable events held by our Young Professionals Group
We strive to make the world a better place, and value clients and employees who join us in this initiative.