smart people.
bright ideas.
powerful results.

our values

safety focused
To devote time and energy is to focus. When the focus is on safety, the cost of complacency is great, everything is at stake. A focus on safety is a mandate, but it is not a burden, it is a badge of honor proudly worn by each member of our co-worker family. It is not something you do, it is something you are, safety focused. It is being proactive, not reactive. It is not someone’s responsibility, it is everyone’s responsibility. It is a pledge made to your co-workers. It is a pledge made to yourself, no one gets hurt.
At Patrick, safety is everyone’s responsibility. This trait celebrates those that go above and beyond this mandate and demonstrate extraordinary vision and strength. To be safety focused involves having the vision to see and to ask, ”What could go wrong? What are the risks?” The ability to analyze a situation and proactively minimize those risks is praised in this trait. In addition to vision, strength is also a requirement. The strength and conviction to stop any kind of work that is occurring in an unsafe environment, regardless of that environment or an individual’s specific role. The safety focused trait is one of our most valued and celebrated distinguishing traits.